Hangsen - Coffee - 10ml E-liquids (Pack of 10)

Hangsen - Coffee - 10ml E-liquids  (Pack of 10)

Hangsen - Coffee - 10ml E-liquids (Pack of 10)

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Coffee 10ml Eliquid by Hangsen If you are the sort of person who wants, no needs coffee in their life then this quality coffee flavoured e liquid is for you.  This...
Shipping cost: £3.99
Shipping to: UK
Handling time: 1-2 days
Transit time: 2-5 days
Return policy: Returns accepted within 14 days. Customer pays return fees. Return by mail only.

Prix régulier €9,00 Solde



Catégories: 10ml E-liquids, E-liquids

Mots clés: 10ml, 3-6-12-18mg, 70vg, best_brand, hangsen, tobacco-coffee

Coffee 10ml Eliquid by Hangsen If you are the sort of person who wants, no needs coffee in their life then this quality coffee flavoured e liquid is for you. 

This is formulated with the combination of the finest content to produce the ideal taste. It gives the best result when used with the low wattage mouth to lung vape kit - like a pod device or starter kit 

Available in 0mg, 6mg and 18mg. Nicotine strength means you will able to match flavour with your required nicotine concentration

Hangsen 10ml is TPD compiled and safe to vape.


10ml (Pack of 10)
0mg, 6mg and 18mg nicotine strength
70%PG / 30%VG
Pod device & Starter

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